Free & Low Cost Counseling
What if I Can’t Afford Therapy?
Free + Low-Cost Counseling Services in Washtenaw County
Some of the providers on this list may not be taking new patients right away and only have a waitlist available. If you want to get services there and you don't need immediate care, ask to be put on the waitlist.
Keep calling around to find an appointment sooner if you need it. Don't give up! You may need to call several places before you find something that works for you.
We recommend...asking for a provider who is LGBTQ+ affirming and/or has been trained on LGBTQ+ issues. You can always change providers if the person you get is not a good fit.
Free Counseling Services
Ozone House - Ann Arbor + Ypsi
Call (734) 622-2222 for more information and to schedule.
Corner Health Center - Ypsi
Call (734) 484-3600 for more information and to schedule.
Regional Alliance for Healthy Schools - Ann Arbor + Ypsi
Don't have to be a student! Can use services up to your 22nd birthday.
Call (734) 484-3600 for more information and to schedule.
Women's Center of SE Michigan - Ann Arbor
All genders welcome!
Call (734) 973-6779 for more information and to schedule.
Community Mental Health - Ann Arbor + Ypsi
Call (734) 544-3050 for more information and to schedule.
Low-Cost and Sliding Scale Services
Amplify Colectivo - Ann Arbor + Ypsi
Call (734) 585-6966 for more information and to schedule.
Packard Health - Ann Arbor + Ypsi
Call for more information and to schedule.
Ann Arbor: (734) 971-1073
West Ann Arbor: (734) 926-4900
Ypsi: (734) 985-7200
Wellspring Healing Center, LLC - Ypsi
Call Emerson Delacroix (they/them) or Sarah Abdul-Wahab-O'Brien (they/them) at (734) 221-3986 for more information and to schedule.
Eastern Michigan University Psychology Clinic - Ypsi
Don't have to be an EMU student!
Call (734) 487-4987 for more information and to schedule non-urgent appointments only.
Open Path Psychotherapy Collective
Visit to find a therapist.
They offer in-person and online sessions.
Jewish Family Services - Ann Arbor
People of any/no religion are welcome!
Call (734) 436-4249 for more information and to schedule.
Catholic Social Services - Ann Arbor
People of any/no religion are welcome!
Call (734) 926.0155 for more information and to schedule.
Integrative Empowerment - Ann Arbor
Call (734) 945-6210 for more information and to schedule.
TheraBee Psychology - Ann Arbor
Call 734-391-9056 for more information and to schedule.